Retrospective — 2017

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Antonia Wetzel

„Wake up!“ This stop-motion gem provokes the audience to follow the endless resurrection of alien faces, melting otherness into familiriaty. A gentle reminder of the many connections linking

Frohe Zukunft

Andrea Rüthel, Katharina Wittmann

A cautious approach on a volatile nearness – a documentary portray of an unusual friendship of two gentlemen entangled in Halle‘s burrough „Frohe Zukunft,“ or „Happy Futures.“ The younger of

Fais le mort

William Laboury

Three youngsters meet among the endless landscapes of rural France.The sky shines azure. A weapon enthusiast who boasts on Youtube with self-builts handguns, his friend, and Tom—their target.

Without clear purpose

Roberto Voorbij

Roberto Voorbij’s gem of a short only needs one piece of a clip. You might call it „growth from repitition,“ but it truly marks a new genre – „without clear purpose!“


Philipp Zrenner

Four walls in an airport. Two men meet on unlikely circumstances. Locked between desperate escape and upset pleasure, S. and P. await together their fates. A tale of night and day.


Samuli Salomen, Judith Meister

Down in a soggy dungeon someone passes through the twilight of his cell, quietly clinging on reality. But what is the shadow of broken sunlight on a prison wall if not an invitation to insani

Reading Ibsen in the picture gallery VIII loud and clear

Ronny S.

Potentially a dadaistic poem. Ibsen or not, pom pom.


Rike Hoppe

Emotional, undogmatic, and of aesthetic beauty: „Saudade“ patches together a short on untranslatebale feelings: The longing for home, the need to travel, and the quest for an utopia inbetween


Sayaka Mizuno, Robin Mogretti

In an office high above Mumbai new neighbourhoods are planned to reinvent the city center. Balloons mark the dawn of a new era of a modern, aspiring society. A guard, humiliated by his „super


Edin Bajrić

Edin Bajrić tells the flight of his family from their former home, Yugoslavia, to Germany, based on the evidence stamped into their passports. Abstracting the drama of migration to a rectangu

Tracing Coyotes

Theresa Grysczok, Eeva Ojanperä

A woman meets a dog, tracing its tracks through a woolen wonderland. Contrasting the endless width of space and the colorful world of childhood memories, this stop-motion illustrates Leya Bil

Das Ei

Katharina Lüdin

A story told around an eggshell—infinite, sprawling, and talkative. A short reflection on the creation of stories, on shorts, chance and unfortunes.


Stefan Möckel

Stephan Möckel presents once more a riptide of cutting edge animation in this 30-second epos. Drawing from his infinite repertoir the experimental filmmaker surprises again with a balance bet


Yeonho Jang

Walking, hanging, circling, crossing – whether alone, towards each other or the other way around, feet meet. A rhythmic study on movement, a metaphoric puzzle, casting an open question to the


Booklet 2017

Download our booklet from 2017 right here.

Thanks to

Johanna Penzlin
Kevin Luhn
Eike Hirschberg
Marieann Weißhuhn
Tabea Köbler
Klara Börnert
Marian Reinig
Ronny Kind

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