Retrospective — 2021

This year we walked through Wahren. On July 22 and 23, 2021, between 250 and 300 people met at the Viaduct in Wahren to come together and watch the first short film in continuous loop. In three blocks, we showed fourteen short films which have been chosen from 150 submissions to the theme "inside - outside".
We projected onto the firewall of an LWB apartment building in Hopfenbergstraße and the back of the imposing, historic tower of the Town Hall in Wahren. The third station was in two different locations on both evenings: Friday ended in the courtyard of the Pittlerwerke, where an undisturbed film screening would not have been possible on Saturday evening due to a musical event that took place at short notice. Thanks to a permission of the Grünflächenamt (Parks Department) Leipzig, the last film block could be shown on Saturday evening on a large meadow on the northern shore of the Auensee just behind the small train station. Each of the evenings ended with a short film discussion with the directors present - thanks to all the filmmakers who joined us!
Even at the first station it became obvious that people from all parts of the city and from completely different age groups were present, including residents from Wahren. We were particularly pleased about this diversity, since one of our goals with the Kurzfilmwanderung is to initiate encounters and dialogue.

A big thank you also goes to all participants - despite the large number of people, at the end there were hardly more than two scraps of paper left behind and a lost peanut flip. We are happy about this appreciation and are already looking forward to next year!

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Maja Wojciechowski

A balloon is inflated. As its internal volume increases, the outside becomes dimly visible and the camera position reveals itself.


Selena Goedeke Tort, Ada Labahn

While the earth is in flames, two beings observe this from far away on another planet and are confronted with their hopes and fears.

Santa Erica

Mingren Li

small town dreams


Michael Schwarz

Corona-Lockdown 2020: Hotels, guesthouses and youth hostels are closed for overnight guests. 29 homeless people are temporarily housed in a business hotel, but this solution is only temporary

fliege 4

Stefan Möckel

A fly walks along a window pane and looks outside.


Stefan Möckel

The inside of a clock moves in unexpected ways.

Der Engel der Geschichte

Eric Esser

A border in Europe. A painting by Paul Klee. A poem by Walter Benjamin. A film about yesterday and today ‒ and how difficult it is to recognize the one behind the other.

Haltestelle in der Wüste

Thadeusz Tischbein

Not only the lines, the rows and uneven rhymes, even time can disappear in the mist. It is a look both backward and forward ‒ into a Leningrad of the 80s and into a future in which only the d

Das Verhalten des Tiers

Yiying Gao

An unexpected toppling of constructed realities, supposed freedom and animal worlds in pencil hatching.

Small Wild Plants and Things I Don't Know

Ayala Shoshana Guy

Small Wild Plants and Things I Don‘t Know is a short animated journey through the state of solitude (or rather, isolation). As the outside world becomes more strange than comprehensible, the

Ich will ins Paradies

Kilian Armando Friedrich

At night Evelyn throws newspapers on doormats, during the day she preaches God's word in door frames. As a night-time newspaper deliverer and daily active Jehovah's Witness, Evelyn leads a do


Léa Morelli

A body is sculpted from inside and outside and time goes by.


Johann Schilling

Lotta is a young woman ‒ she always has been. Only nobody knew that. Not even she. It was only through Live Action Role Playing that she found herself ‒ a role-playing game in which one puts


Omani Frei

An inner search for an unknown goal that defies description and lies in every direction of decisions not made yet.



Download our booklet from 2021 right here.

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