Retrospective — 2018

This year's hike leads to Reudnitz. People gather among trees at Alfred Frank Square. Friends. Colleagues. Strangers. It is the first hike for many of them. In the dark the path leads underneath cobblestone pavement. After a long walk, the destination is an old customs office. In the backyard on heaps of debris, surrounded by garage doors we are blocking the exit unintentionally. The driver is being bribed with chocolate. He is now an transient part of the audience. A long way leads through Lene Voigt Park. Questions arise at this place, which is still alive so late. Did we miss anything? What's this all about? Films. We're visiting a brewery. There's no Sternburger beer here. We're just neighbors in a large community garden next door. Huge beer tanks arrange in the distance as an unusual stage. The audience is shrinking. We're still walking. At an intersection we meet disbelieving glances out of one of the last trams at night. Our route ends. Surrounded by gardens in the middle of a wonderful allotments. Chilly.

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Atiye Noreen Lax

Two parallels meet in the Infinite like the purity of our reflection.


Emerson Culurgioni, Jonas Matauschek

Until the break-up of socialism, more than 30.000 people were employed, in Leuna, a central location for chemical production in germany. Today there are only 7.000 left. This emptiness, reinf


Stefan Möckel

A road, much used.

Lustig & Heiter

Stefan Möckel

Found footage, New Year’s Eve 1974/75. Three couples are funny and cheerful.

Wrestling With Pig

Shayan Fasihzadeh

"Something is wrenching my heart. Something like... A man full of hatred pushing his boot in on my face to make it bloodier. Bloodier... bloodier... Till it gets bruised... Till whiteness...


Olga Kosanovic

"I don’t like the concept behind it anyway. I could do it like that myself". A brother to his older sister. A portrait of the generation 2000, the millenials, about family pressures, being fi

Chiraa Khoor

Elizabeth Foster

To lose yourself in the abstraction of noise and colour - the body is becoming rhythm and sound.

The Spider

Vincent Mayos

Lost in between nightmare and awakening, or discovering hidden aspects of the own self, a young woman is pursued by a strange creature.


Seungkyu Jung

The term "Trostfrau" ("comfort woman") is an euphemism. It describes girls and women that have been forced to prostitution by the Japanese army in World War II. One photo is the base for a ma

Der Pornopionier von Lindenau

Leonore Kasper, Marlen Riedel

"I need those working people, the ones in overalls, the ones wearing a tie they bought in the department store - these are the people I make money with. Today... it is not as it has been befo

Plein Été

Josselin Facon

A troubling moment in the balminess of a summer in the countryside. While gardening, a young man sees his mother as a woman for the first time.


Cassiana der Haroutiounian

A being made of mirrors awakens. Small in the infinite landscape, the being begins its journey, the only one of its life.



Download our booklet from 2018 right here.



Here you can watch the premovies of all stations again.

Thanks to

Schreberverein Ostvorstadt e.V.
Junghans und Kollosche (altes Zollamt)
Sternburg Brauerei
Immobilien Daffner
Hausprojekt Wurzner Straße
Leonard Erlbruch fürs Fahrrad
Arnold und Patrick für Getränke
Markus für kulinarische Verpflegung
allen HelferInnen während der Wanderung
Marian Reinig für das Logo


Johanna Penzlin
Kevin Esion
Lucas Riedel
Winona Pawelzik
Ronny Kind
Christina Droll
Thea Maier
Tabea Köbler
Mariann Weißhuhn
Klara Börnert

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